Halfway Through…
It’s been 4.5 weeks that I’ve started my training at Le Wagonย (see my post I’m a Wagoner to catch up). Four weeks and a half, a bit more than a month, it doesn’t seem much, and yet, at Le Wagon, this is huge!
I’ve already learned to master Ruby (I said “learned to master”, not “mastered”, I will need more practice… But I know the basics!), to communicate with databases, I’ve reviewed and improved my HTML and CSS knowledge (what is called “front-end”, in other words, what makes it possible for everyone to see and read a website. Ruby being a “back-end” language, which makes the website works behind the scenes). But most of all I learned to go out of my comfort zone and use someone else’s knowledge to help me see through.
At Le Wagon, we spend half morning in a classroom. Then we spend the rest of the day doing exercises to fully understand what we learned in class in the morning. Every day, we have a buddy – another randomly selected Wagoner – to help us through the exercices who may have better understood the topic or the instructions. We are stronger together, could have been the program’s slogan. Then we finish the day with a live code (an exercise shown on a big screen that we do all together). Days are intense, that’s for sure. But it’s well-thought. In addition to learn the technical aspects, we discover the team work with people we didn’t choose. We notice that the atmosphere is warmer and warmer and that going out of your comfort zone has a negative impact on your self confidence before boosting it up.
I applied to learn Ruby but Le Wagon teaches me so much more about myself and others.
What will I think in 4.5 weeks?
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